Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thinking is fine when we have something to figure out, but when it comes to most things in life the heart is the voice to listen to because the heart knows how to follow the advice of the spirits. So I listen to my heart a lot, and I psychonavigate to the spirits themselves. I have faith in them and their desire to help us.

Your heart is part of the universe. If you listen to your heart, you hear the Voice of the Universe. We call it the Voice of the Universe or the Voice of the Soul. It speaks to us all the time. We only have to listen. What do you hear?

Crossing your arms over your heart may help you remember.

Tampur, Shuar warrior shaman from the forests of Equador
from a John Perkins' book

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

on the bank of Lake Ontario

the soft steady pull of the lake
calling me in
calling me back
mothers warn me not to go
the papers block me
there's harm in the water
they say

i hold the urge to jump
deep within
i block the door
section off a place I can not go
yet the shadow does not fade
I will not touch it
but I can see it, I can feel it

the poison is a part of me
a part I wish to cleanse
become pure and safe again
so I can be with you
once more
with no separation to cross

Monday, June 23, 2008


The Tree of Life- Universal Symbol

The Tree of Life is a universal symbol found in many spiritual and mythological traditions around the world. In various cultures it is known as the Cosmic Tree, the World Tree and the Holy Tree. The Tree of Life symbolizes many things, including wisdom, protection, strength, bounty, beauty, and redemption. This wise and holy Tree is like the Creator as it sustains creation with its abundant fruit, protection and generativity. The Tree is also like human beings as we develop roots, strengthen our trunk and branch out to a wider vision of life as we grow.

Trees provide many analogies to human development. They are amazing microcosms of exchange and flow of water, nutrients and gases. With sustenance from the earth, cooling water, refreshing air and the light of the sun, they grow in stature and strength and eventually blossom into full flower and fruit. They are earth bound and yet reach up toward the heavens, trying to touch back to the source. Their three main systems of roots, trunk and branches parallel human development of body, psyche and spirit. The following are

some examples of how the Great Tree is understood around the world and demonstrate why so many cultures use the Tree of Life to describe the Divine and our journey back to the Divine.

Kabbalah - two different Tree of Life symbols are used: one is upside-down and the other right-side-up. The original Tree of Life emanates out of the divine world of unity and is depicted as upside-down, with its roots flowing from the divine place of unity and infinite light. The trunk and branches reach down towards us, penetrating the worlds of spirit, psyche, and physical existence. This is said to be the Tree of Emanation, which flows downward from the source. The other Tree of Life symbol flows upward, back towards the source, with roots in the ground and branches growing up to the sky. This is the Tree that the initiate climbs to return to the source and is the Tree of evolution or initiation. It is the initiate's responsibility to evolve and awaken, climbing the Tree and penetrating the worlds of psyche, spirit and divine unity, reconnecting with the divine source.

Jewish - From the Hebrew creation myth and from Jewish commentaries, the Tree of Life is a symbol of the life giving source that sustains and nourishes us. "Yahweh planted a garden in Eden, and caused to spring up from the soil every kind of tree, enticing to look at and good to eat, with the Tree of Life in the middle of the garden. Its beauty of gold and crimson transcends all other things created; it's crown covers the entire garden and four streams - of milk, honey, wine and oil - issue from its roots."

Depth Psychology - From a depth psychology perspective, the tree is seen as a powerful symbol of growth, as the tree is the only living thing that continues to grow throughout its lifetime. The tree is also a symbol for the true self and serves as a positive, healthy model for the unfolding development of both psyche and spirit. As we grow and develop, a larger and more mature personality emerges and begins to flower and fruit, providing its gifts and bounties to the wider world.

Christianity - In Christianity, the tree is seen as both the vehicle by which sin came into the world (via the serpent encouraging humanity to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden) and a symbol of redemption, as Jesus was crucified on a cross made from a tree. The image of Christ on the cross is the symbol of the World Savior on the Tree of Life. The life and teaching of Christ is a model of the path of initiation on the Tree of Life.

Buddhism - It was beneath the great Bodhi tree, the great Tree of Enlightenment, that Buddha was said to redeem the whole universe under its protective branches. Under this World Tree, the Buddha transformed all negative temptations and energies and achieved perfect enlightenment. In this story, as in the Christ story, we have the archetypal World Savior and the World Tree themes together.

Alchemy - From the Alchemical tradition, the Tree of Life is a symbol of the Opus Magnum, the goal of the alchemical journey, which is to find "the gold", "the philosopher's stone" , "the elixir of life". A branch from the Tree of Life was said to protect the Alchemist on his or her journey through the alchemical stages of separation, decay and purification in fires of the underworld. A quote from the Teatrum Chemicum says, "Plant the Tree on the lapis that the birds of the sky can come and reproduce on its branches; it is from there that wisdom rises."

Nordic - In Nordic mythology, Odin is the god who rules all magic and guards the great well of wisdom and knowledge at the root of the World Tree Yggdrasill, whose strength supports the entire universe. Here, under the branches of Yggdrasill, Odin becomes an initiate magician and discovers a Shamanic vocation, obtaining inner sight and healing capacities. Yggdrasill reaches up with its branches to the spiritual realm of Asgard, which represents the higher self. The middle realm of the Tree is the world of Midgard, the world of the human ego and persona. The roots reach down to the underworld of tree dwarves and elves, the place of shadow and unconscious senses. Yggdrasil is the strong axis around which the three planes of existence revolve.

Shamanic - In many Shamanic cosmologies, the Cosmic Tree is said to connect the Underworld, Middle world and Above world. During initiation, the Shaman learns to travel comfortably in all three realms. In some traditions the Underworld contains power animals and helper guides for healing. The Above world consists of ancestors, spirit guides and spirits of plants and diseases to whom the Shaman can speak and engage their help in healing others. During initiation, Shamans are often instructed to make and climb a ladder to symbolize their ability to access the three zones of the Cosmic Tree.

Minoan - From the ancient Minoan culture of Crete, the Tree of Life is connected to the Mysteries of the Labyrinth. The Tree of Life is said to occupy the very center of the labyrinth. The goal of initiation is to claim your own self by winding into the center of the labyrinth, climb the Tree of Life and connect with your own divinity as well as the divine source.

Native American - In the Native American sun dance and the European May pole dance traditions, dancers attach themselves to the central pole, a symbol of the World tree. May pole dancers are attached to the Tree with brightly colored streamers to get revitalized after the long winter. The sun dancers are attached to the pole by a rope that is hooked to their own flesh. The sun dance promotes vitality and the energy generated around the axis of the Tree is said to bring life into being.

text from Tree of Life Teachings

Thursday, June 19, 2008

livity: life lived to the fullest extent of compassion

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i am burning- David Ho

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds

Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts

May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills

The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door

where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
restore the Plan Earth

from the Goldring website's Full Moon Gathering prayer

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hymns to the universal God from universal man- all joy!
A reborn race appears--a perfect world, all joy!
Women and men in wisdom innocence and health--all joy!
Riotous laughing bacchanals fill'd with joy!
War, sorrow, suffering gone--the rank earth purged--
nothing but joy left!
The ocean fill'd with joy--the atmosphere all joy!
Joy! joy! in freedom, worship, love! joy in the ecstasy of life!
Enough to merely be! enough to breathe!
Joy! joy! all over joy!

- from The Mystic Trumpeter
Walt Whitman

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Let's toast
Every rung we've climbed on Evolution's ladder
Whisper, "I love you! I love you!"
To the whole mad world.


Monday, June 09, 2008

'911's a lie' short music video

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

fueling the fire
throwing in healthy, full logs
walking by the twigs
that only cackle in the flame
i want heat
throughout the whole, starry night

the healthy logs
connecting essence to essence
truth shared with another
shining glimpsed in a child's eyes
laughter at the bathing duck diving underwater
relax into infinite creativity

fueling the flame
so that the sparks
may flicker out
out to feed the life
a life of vision
a life to guide the dream
a lightness in the air
that feeds the flame

it began at home
yet poured out
because the logs
that fueled the flame
that soothed the soul
were found