Thursday, January 31, 2008

All you need is love

we are made from love, spun from love, created in love’s image, to know love, be love, serve love, create love and the only food our soul needs is love

Where you place God in your life is where God shows up in your life.
Let go of trying and you will become all that to which your soul aspires.
When you speak from your heart everybody listens because God is talking.

Louix Dor Dempriey

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Great stories build universes.

Mass dreamtime on the morning of Friday, February 1st.

Dear friends,

There is much we could discuss at this juncture: time is speeding up, the transition is underway, the truth can be determined by reading between the lines of the massive amount of information being tossed at us. Instead let us focus our energies.

My main reason for communicating with you is to remind you to spend a time, first thing in the morning, this coming Friday February 1st putting forth your concept of the Earth you desire. As I have explained in prior newsletters, we have been asked to design the world to come.

This is NOT a mass meditation; it is not necessary to synchronize our time of meditation. We are not trying to directly influence events here. We are merely indicating how we would like this world to become so that our allies among the star people, spirits, and celestials may accommodate us. Remember, this is our planet; it is our future. Earth will be unique within the galaxy. How would you like your world to be?

The transitioned Earth will not be as radically different as many would like, probably more different than others can live with. Much of what is here is good and loving. The corrupted institutions of mankind will go away, along with the disparity between brothers and sisters, and the harsh struggles for power over others. To be replaced with what? You decide and make your wishes known this coming Friday (and on the first of each month hereafter).

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel
lend our voices only to the sounds of freedom
no longer lend our strength
to that which we wish to be free from
fill your lives with love and bravery
and we shall lead a life uncommon


Friday, January 18, 2008

a couple ancient chinese definitions

mind (hsin) = heart
original= in harmony with the origins

-from The Zen of Seeing- Seeing/Drawing as meditation

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

as above, so below
and the ascension of death

drops explode from the master flow
sent on their own journeys
each sinks into
a new form

every blueprint identical


merge into a great body
ocean currents direct

fire burns
drops lift
break apart
unable to hold form

one current
that moves faster

spheres turn

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The day you no longer burn with love
many others will die of the cold.


Friday, January 04, 2008

Nature's course is perfect.
It is up to us to follow.

-Deng Ming-Dao

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

happy new year
where are we going next?