Near-death experiences- further bridging the gap between science and religion
I feel that just understanding near-death experiences will be our first step at healing the great division between science and religion that started with Isaac Newton almost three hundred years ago. Educating physicians, nurses, and ourselves about what people experience in those final hours will shatter our prejudices about the ways we think about medicine and life.
I find it ironic that it is our medical technology that has led to this plethora of near-death experiences...There have been near-death experiences throughout the centuries, but it has only been in the last twenty years that we have had the technology to resuscitate patients. Now they are telling us about their experiences, so let's listen to them. This to me is a challenge for our society... Near-death experiences, to my mind, are a natural, psychological process associated with dying. I'm going to boldly predict if we can reintegrate the knowledge into our society, not only will it help with dying patients, but it will help society as a whole. I see medicine today as being devoid of spirit... There is no reason why technology and the spirit cannot exist side by side.
-Melvin Morse
Science must try to explain the near-death experience because therein lies the key to its own growth...History tells us that only in trying to explain phenomena which are currently beyond our reach will science develop new methods. I believe the near-death experience is one of the puzzles that just might force scientists to develop a new scientific method, one that will incorporate all sources of knowledge, not only logical deduction of the intellect, and empirical observation of the physical, but direct experience of the mystical as well.
-Bruce Greyson
So let's hear some personal stories:
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