Friday, October 06, 2006

one person, in different stages of development

they pray with just one mind.
do you ever see others as stages of yourself?
you hear someone telling a story, and you can quietly recall the exact time you experienced something very similar to what you're hearing this person say to you now.
it's as if we were all just on this continuum, from a to b, start to finish.
the starting point is the plastic, the wrapper, the farthest point away.
the finish line is the seed, the sun, the whole, the One.
wouldn't we all love to be at the farthest point, finishing the marathon?
eventually, with determination we will reach it.
but for now we must slowly take each inch as it comes.
we spot people who are miles ahead of us and they tell us tales of our future.
they help us with the present, by recalling their past.
they even yank us forward, but there's only so far that they can reach.
we have to do the walking ourselves.
i'll meet you at the finish line,
except it won't be me anymore.

as the speck draws closer
to the flame it loses its shape
slowly it comes nearer
and then it disappears
the flame ate it up.

Inspired by: Acts 1:14
These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer.


At 8:34 a.m., Blogger krystyna said...

Excellent blog!!
Keep up the good work!

At 12:18 a.m., Blogger Margie said...

Wonderful Kozi!
Thanks for that!



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